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  • 600 4th St.

    Fenton, MI 48430

Frequently Asked Questions!

Who is the PTO?

Our PTO is made up of teachers and parents/guardians. There is no cost to join the PTO--if you have a child at our school, you're in!

What does the PTO do?

The PTO does a lot of different things! We put on events for families, provide grants to teachers, fund field trips, assemblies, and programs, run Popcorn Friday, provide support for students and families with needs and much more!

What does the PTO NOT do?

The PTO is not involved in staffing decisions, district finances, uses of the school building/property, and policies, procedures and rules of the school and district.

How do I join?

By having a child at our school, you are already in our PTO! You can get involved by talking to one of the Board members or by signing up for our various activities, events and committees.  You can also just pop into our monthly meeting to learn more and meet other parents!  We would LOVE to have you!

What are committees?

A Board of 5 or 6 people alone cannot do all of the things our PTO does! We have designated committees for different activities and fundraisers to get more support and involvement. We would LOVE to have you join a committee (or two!)  Committees are responsible for planning and putting on various activities and events.  A Board member will be on all committees for support. Check out the "Committee" page to learn more!

Why do we do so many fundraisers?

A big part of the PTO is fundraising to support the projects, programs, field trips and overall happenings of our school. However, we realize that while fundraising is essential for supporting our school's programs and initiatives, we also recognize that it can sometimes become overwhelming for our families.

 Instead of bombarding our community with numerous small fundraisers, we plan to focus on a few high-impact events that yield substantial results.

That said, we really need your participation and support in these few fundraisers to really make them successful!

The fundraisers we are putting on this year are:

Wojo's Fall Mums

Annual Online Auction

Spring Fun Run